Fox Float RP23 / CTD damper shim tuning including shims surcharge for maintenance


Regular price €55,00

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Damper tuning on Fox Float CTD and RP models

Shim tuning for damper service can be booked
Details about this product:

What do we do with this service?

- During the damper service (must be booked separately), the tune of the damper is changed via shims according to customer requirements

Tuning options:

- Pressure level
- Rebound
- Boost valve etc.

Why and when does the damper need to be remolded?

For the shock, the tune is specified by the frame manufacturer.
E.g.: Medium compression and low rebound.
In this case the damper has a weak rebound with medium compression. Compression level equal to propedal (e.g.: blue lever on RP23)
In order to give the damper a stronger rebound and compression stage, the shims in the shim stack must be changed to E.g.: Firm compression stage and Medium rebound stage.

The price includes the shims. Can only be booked in conjunction with damper service.

If you have any questions, we are available by phone at 030-29009420.

You can reach us by phone, email, chat or contact form.


Ferdinand-Schultze-Str. 91, 13055 Berlin, right gate, 1st floor

Telephone: +49 (0)30 29009420

Telephone availability Monday - Friday 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m
Opening hours Mon - Fri 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m

Please do not park on company premises!